Problem Solving in Botany
(BIOL 222H; Spring 2017)
Supporting Materials
Syllabus (PDF)
Other Materials (TBA)
Christopher R. Hardy, Ph.D.
Curator of the Herbarium &
Department of Biology
Millersville University
288 Roddy Hall
50 E. Frederick St.
Millersville, PA 17551, USA
Phone: (717) 871-2312
Fax: (717) 872-3905
Moyer SL, CR Hardy. 2016. Botany of the Luceille Hagarman Reading Sculpture Garden. Parksia 5: 1-10.
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Scholarships and other financial opportunities for students can be found here.
Aug: The Herbarium's Nature Atlas accrued its 10,000th species on Friday, August 30, with an entry for a Malayan civet, Viverra tangalunga, an unusual relative of the cat family native to the Malayan Peninsula and nearby islands.
Jul: The Herbarium surpassed 23,000 specimens on July 13 with a specimen of Japanese stiltgrass, Microstegium vimineum, collected by Micaela Nieves (Plant Sciences '25) in Shenk's Ferry Wildflower Preserve. With the cooperation of the Lancaster Conservancy, Micaela's thesis research seeks to document the flora of this Preserve that is popular with nature enthusiasts in the region. Her collection of Japanese stiltgrass is the first one to voucher the occurrence of this invasive species in the preserve.
Apr: Dr. Hardy presented a lecture on Forensic Botany at the Millersville Lioness Club (Apr 2).
Mar: Dr. Hardy will be lecturing on Forensic Botany at the Advanced Homicide Symposium of the Pennsylvania State Police (Mar 8, PSU Harrisburg).
Feb: Dr. Hardy will be speaking on "Herbaria & Forensic Botany" at the Lancaster County Garden Club (Feb 12).
Feb: Duncan Lynn (MU Plant Sciences '24) successively defended his honors thesis on the taxonomy and ethnobotany of taro in area markets. He has now accepted a job at Green Leaf Plants, a division of Aris Horticulture, Inc. Congraulations, Duncan! (Feb 12).
Jan: Dr. Hardy will be giving the talk "Case Studies in Forensic Botany" at the Biology Colloquium on Wednesday, Jan 31 (4 pm, Caputo 210).
Jan: Dr. Hardy will be sharing an overview of his recent forensic botany case work with the Elizabethtown Rotary Club on Monday, Jan 29 (6 pm).
Dec: David Modica ('23) successfully defended his honors thesis on the Allium green onion vegetable complex and will graduate this Winter. Congratulations David.
Oct: Dr. Hardy will be speaking about forensic botany in the Willow Valley Special Events series (Oct 19).
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John R. Ambler, PhD
James C. Parks Herbarium
Millersville University
Interests: PA Floristics, Plant ecology, Invasive species management.
Nazli W. Hardy, PhD, MBA
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Millersville University
Interests: Biodiversity informatics; Network security; Internet education.
Scott L. MartinMU'91, PWS (Professional Wetland Scientist)
Senior Scientist
Interests: Wetland delineation; Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species Surveys; Biological Treasure Hunter
Howard J. Miller, Jr.
James C. Parks Herbarium
Millersville University
Interests: Grape systematics; Viticultural science.
John R. Wallace, PhD
Professor of Biology
Millersville University
Interests: forensic use of algae in PMSI estimation; aquatic ecology; evolution.
Patrick J. Cooney, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Physics
Millersville University
Interests: Photography.
Jorge Mena-Alí , Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology
Franklin & Marshall College
Interests: Ecology and evolution of host-pathogen interactions; Portulacaceae.
Zel Stoltzfus
Artist, Scientific Illustrator
Interests: Scientific illustration.
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Syllabus (PDF)
Other Materials (TBA)