Floral Morphogenesis & Anatomy

My work in this area has been in the monocotyledonous spiderwort & dayflower family, Commelinaceae.

Left: Floral organogenesis in Plowmanianthus, a recently described genus of Commelinaceae from the Neotropics. Working clockwise from nine o'clock, can you track the development of the 3 sepals, 3 petals, 3 stamens (note that only three out of six stamen primordia develop to maturity), and 3 carpels? Note that first the sepals and then the petals were dissected away by me successively in the later sequence in order to expose the developing stamens and carpels.

[Hover cursor over image to enlarge.]


My Publications on This Topic:


Hardy CR, J Ryndock*[MU '09]. 2012. Floral morphology and organogenesis in Tinantia pringlei, along with a review of floral developmental variation in the spiderwort family, Commelinaceae. Botanical Review 78 (4): 416-427.


Hardy CR, LL Sloat*[MU '06], RB Faden (2009) Floral organogenesis and the developmental basis for pollinator deception in the Asiatic dayflower Commelina communis (Commelinaceae). American Journal of Botany 96: 1236-1244.


Hardy CR, JI Davis, DW Stevenson (2004) Floral organogenesis in Plowmanianthus (Commelinaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 165 (4): 511-519.


Hardy CR, DW Stevenson (2000) Floral organogenesis in some species of Tradescantia and Callisia (Commelinaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 161 (4): 551-562.

Hardy CR, DW Stevenson (2000) Development of the flower, gametophytes, and floral vasculature in Cochliostema odoratissimum (Commelinaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 134 (1): 131-157.

Hardy CR, DW Stevenson, HG Kiss (2000) Development of the flower, gametophytes, and floral vasculature in Dichorisandra thyrsiflora (Commelinaceae). American Journal of Botany 87 (9): 1228-1239.