BIOL 472.02
Case Studies in Human Ecology Seminar
Spring 2019, 1 credit, meeting F 1-1:50 pm



Supporting Materials

Final Exam Scores (sorted by last 4 digits of MU number)


Article Notes-taking Template

Final Exam Study Guide (mix of multiple choice and essay or short answer)


Case Study: Guam ALS-PDC

Week 1 Discussion (Feb 1):
Cox and Sacks. 2002. Neurology 58: 956-959.

Week 2 Discussion (Feb 8) - Two Papers:
1) Murch et al. 2004. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 110 (4): 267-269.
2) Monson et al. 2003. Conservation Biology 17 (3): 678-686.

Week 3 Discussion (Feb 15):
Bradley and Mash. 2009. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 10: 7-20.

Case Study: Lyme

Week 1 Discussion (Feb 22):
Pfeiffer MB. 2018. Introduction & Chapter 1 (pp 1-24) in Lyme: The First Epidemic of Climate Change. Island Press: Washington.

Week 2 Discussion (Mar 1):
Allan et al. 2003. Conservation Biology 17: 267-272.

Week 3 Discussion (Mar 8):
Blakely C. 2018. What Makes the Heart “tick”?-the cardiovascular implications of lyme Disease. Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 28:3-10.


Case Studies: Pest & Alien Species

Week 1 Discussion on the Economic Costs (Mar 22):
Pimentel et al.. 2005.

Week 2 Discussion on the Chestnut Blight (Mar 29):
Hepting GH. 1974. Journal of Forest History 18: 60-67.

Week 3 Discussion on the Spotted Lantern Fly (Apr 5):
Dara et al. 2015. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 6(1): 20 (pp 1-6).

Week 4 Discussion on Dutch Elm Disease (Apr 12):
Marcotrigiano M. 2017. Elms revisited. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 43(6): 217-241.

Week 5 Discussion on the American Cane Toad (Rhinella marina) in Australia (Apr 19):
1) Mercer P. 2017. The rapid spread of Australia's cane toad pest (

2) Tingley R, R Shine. 2011. Desiccation Risk Drives the Spatial Ecology of an Invasive Anuran (Rhinella marina) in the Australian Semi-Desert. PLoS ONE 6(10): 1-6.


Case Studies: Algal Blooms & Their Impacts

Week 1 Discussion on Dead Zones (Apr 26):
Altieri AH, KB Gedan. 2015. Climate change and dead zones. Global Change Biology 21(4): 1395-1406.

Week 2 Discussion on Harmful Algal Blooms (May 3):
Pick FR. 2016. Blooming algae: a Canadian perspective on the rise of toxic cyanobacteria. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Science 73: 1149-1158.