Christopher R. Hardy, Ph.D.

Supporting Materials for:

Hardy CR, P Moline, HP Linder (2008) A Phylogeny for the African Restionaceae, and New Perspectives on Morphology's Role in Generating Complete Species Phylogenies for Large Clades. International Journal of Plant Sciences 169: 377-390.

Please contact Dr. Hardy for pdf of article.

Electronic Appendices Referenced in Article

electronic appendices



317-Taxon Matrices (can be stripped of taxa to equal the 297-taxon matrix)
[TNT format. This has all the characters, including continuous characters in TNT format. Please note that only the parsimony-informative DNA plus indel characters are included with this since this made the parsimony ratchet runs in TNT more efficient. Only TNT can handle categorical plus continuous data simultaneously.]

[Nexus format. This has the complete DNA data, including uninformative positions and indels. A key to the order and positions of the loci is commented in at the bottom of this file. Attached to the end of this matrix are the categorical morphology data too, but the character labels for the morphology characters are not included here-- i.e., only the data are there for analytical purposes. If you want morphological character labels and state names, use the next matrix below.]

[Nexus format. This has the complete set of 138 categorical morphological characters, along with full character and state lables. Use this if you are interested in the morph data.]

297-Taxon Matrices (use 317-Taxon Matrices)

Matrix (this particular file includes the
trees found)
264-taxon DNA combined matrix with trees appended to the end (indels not scored; order of genes in matrix is atpB-rbcL, then trnLF, then trnK-matK; included are equally most parsimonious trees resulting from parsimony ratchet analysis of matrix above; nexus format).



317-Taxon Trees
Parsimony: 317-taxon strict consensus cladogram [PDF version, includes bootstrap values],

MrBayes: 317-taxon trees from combined DNA+Morph analysis without generic constraints [trees from all 3,000,000 generations are in this file; we removed those from the first 500,000 generations as burn-in; this is a 20 Mb file!].

317-taxon trees from combined DNA+Morph analysis with generic constraints [trees from all 3,000,000 generations are in this file; we removed those from the first 500,000 generations as burn-in; this is a 20 Mb file! ].

MrBayes: Generic Constraints Definitions.

297-Taxon Trees

Parsimony Analysis: 297-taxon strict consensus cladogram [PDF version, includes bootstrap values].

Parsimony Analysis: 297-taxon most parsimonious trees [4 most parsimonious trees from combined DNA plus categorical+continuous morphology analysis; nexus format].

MrBayes Analysis: 297-taxon trees from DNA+Morph analysis
[trees from all 3,000,000 generations are in this file; discard those from the first 500,000 as burn-in; this is a 20 Mb file!].

264-Taxon Trees (included with 264-Taxon matrix above)


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